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진정으로 고픈 것 정말 하고 싶은 이야기 진정으로 고픈 것 “이제 집에 가면 또 책을 봐야지. 매일 저녁 자기 전에 다섯 페이지 정도 읽어.” 술만 좋아하는 이 친구가 매일 책을 읽는다는 데에 놀랐습니다. “장편 소설 <남부군>이야.” 아니, 그 책이 천천히 의미를 새겨가며 읽어야 하는 <채근담>이나 경구 모.. 2004. 4. 16.
선관위원장 투표참여 대국민 담화문 선관위원장 투표참여 대국민 담화문 국민 여러분! 13일 동안의 선거운동은 오늘로 막을 내리고, 국민여러분의 선택만을 남겨놓고 있습니다. 극한 대립 속에 혼탁선거가 우려됐으나 과거의 어느 때보다 차분한 선거분위기를 느끼셨을 것입니다. 군중을 동원하는 모습이나 금품과 음식물을 제공하는 사.. 2004. 4. 15.
Silent Spring by Rachel Carson Rachel Carson's Silent Spring : A Brief History of Ecology as a Subversive Subject Gary Kroll Assistant Professor of History Plattsburgh State University at NY In the late 1960s Paul Shepard, a human ecologist and philosopher, wrote the introduction for Subversive Science - a book that offered an interdisciplinary perspective on what was then termed "the ecological crisis. " Shepard noted that .. 2004. 4. 14.
The Silent President The Silent President Published: April 12, 2004 resident Bush was asked, during a very brief session with reporters yesterday, about the now-famous Aug. 6, 2001, memo he received on domestic terrorism. He responded with the familiar White House complaint about lack of specificity in the C.I.A.'s warnings — although the memo mentioned a plot, possibly involving hijacked planes and New Y.. 2004. 4. 13.
Happiness 사랑 속에 있는 섬세한 관심과 순수한 믿음, 더 바랄 것 없는 만족감, 미래에 대한 기대감, 이를 이루기 위한 열정과 성실은 사람을 행복하게 합니다. 행복은 뜻하지 않게 굴러오는 것이 아니라 정원을 가꾸듯 씨를 뿌리고 돌보아야 꽃을 피울 수 있습니다. 어쩌면 "우리의 존재 자체가 이미 행복"이 아.. 2004. 4. 12.
Title for the Show 5월에 “Gallery Management and Artist Career Issues” Class 에서 15 명의 Artist 들이 모여서 Exhibition 을 하게 됩니다 Title for the Show 에 대한 idea 들이 모여졌습니다 From Artist 1 1. Cunning Shores 2. Creative Sands 3. Dramatic Principles of the Craft 4. Cunning Principles at the shore From Artist 2 5. Intermission 6. Civic Center Overnight intruders 7. Theatre O.. 2004. 4. 11.
about Astro... about Astro... Personal Natal Chart is divided into 12 distinct segments and the astrological events occuring within these segments can have very different influences upon you as each one of these segments or 'Houses', as they are known in astrology, has it's own very particular characteristics. --The First House is called the Ascendant and it represents the individual's basic point of referenc.. 2004. 4. 10.
altitude / I Am Free... I Am Free Sea, sand and stone Wreath "round this ground I call my own While dark, concrete sky Blacks out the sun with icy night Even though the ocean roars And the storm is bold, and the rain is cold Here I was born Though winter winds have blown And bitter seeds been sown I gave you all I am and all I hope to be Now I am free Wind fill my frame Fire me with your immortal flame Even though I a.. 2004. 4. 8.
Mia 님이 요기에 심어놓으신 어린 나무에여^^... 안녕~ 오늘은 미아마음의 나무를 심으러 왔지요. 꽃씨도 함께요~.. 예쁘게 잘 키워주세요. 요기다 두고 갈꺼예요~.. 자주 와서 볼려구요~.. 안녕~ 2004/04/05 12:43 [ Mia ] ★ о³°″´·, 。♡ ★ 。。。★ ♡。,·´″°³о ★ ☆ Mia 님...☆ 글쿤여~~ 어제시간으로 한국은 식목일이져?~~ 단비는 내렸나여? .. 2004. 4. 6.
I Was Born To Love You - Queen I Was Born To Love You - Queen I was born to love you With every single beat of my heart Yes, I was born to take care of you Every single day... chorus: I was born to love you With every single beat of my heart Yes, I was born to take care of you Every single day of my life You are the one for me I am the man for you You were made for me You're my ecstasy If I was given every opportunity I'd ki.. 2004. 4. 5.
아름다움 美 Beauty An 18th century Korean beauty. Attributed to Kim Hong-Do (A.D. 1745- ?) © Seoul National University Museum. 지금까지 아름다움이 존재할 수 있는 원리는 조화나 균형에 있다고 여겨왔다. 플라톤에 의하면 모든 미적 대상은 ‘미’의 이데아를 분유(分有)함으로써 비로소 아름답다고 하였다. 미는 개체의 감각적 성질에 있는 .. 2004. 4. 5.
Love Of My Life - Queen Love Of My Life - Queen Love of my life, you hurt me, You broken my heart, now you leave me. Love of my life cant you see, Bring it back bring it back, Dont take it away from me, Because you dont know what it means to me. Love of my life dont leave me, Youve stolen my love now desert me, Love of my life cant you see, Bring it back bring it back, Dont take it away from me, Because you dont know .. 2004. 4. 5.