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ZEST FOR ART 1st Project Exhibition "ZEST FOR ART" "50 Artists Invitational Exhibition" September 24, Fri - October 30, Sat 2010 Opening Reception Sept 24, Fri 5:30-8:30 pm "ZEST for ART" 50 Artists Invitational Exhibition September 24- October 30, 2010 Gallerie Rheeway is honored to present its first exhibition with all the invited artists in the gallery's inimitable space, which serves as a culturally div.. 2010. 9. 19.
Content/Context - Da Aie Park As I sympathize with the statement, “Painting is essentially a flat surface covered with colors arranged in a certain orderly fashion,” I immerse myself into the work of ABSTRACT, which I may define as a play and combination of colors and forms. I also adore the artists of color-field abstraction; their lyricism naturally shown when they immerse into themselves; and their purity and intensi.. 2010. 8. 29.
바람으로 섞이고 땅으로 이어지고 - 강익중 Kang Ik Joong 강익중 바람으로 섞이고 땅으로 이어지고 2010. 4. 7 - 5. 2 강익중씨가 자신의 ‘3인치 작은 그림’ 곳곳에 오브제를 붙여 완성한 ‘해피 월드’. “내가 아는 것을 아무리 적어보아도 A4용지 한 장뿐이더라”는 깨달음이 담겨 있다. 강익중의 개인전 《바람으로 섞이고 땅으로 이어지고》는 뉴욕과 서울.. 2010. 6. 11.
Chalk Artist Julian Beever Julian Beever Julian Beever is an English, Belgium-based chalk artist who has been creating trompe-l'œil chalk drawings on pavement surfaces since the mid-1990s. His works are created using a projection called anamorphosis, and create the illusion of three dimensions when viewed from the correct angle. Beever works as a freelance artist and creates murals for companies. He has worked in the U.. 2009. 11. 9.
Five: Korean Young Artists - Korean Cultural Center WHAT: Five: Korean Young Artists WHEN: July 10-23, 2009, OPENING RECEPTION: Friday, July 10, 2009 7:00 p.m. WHERE: Korean Cultural Center Art Gallery, 5505 Wilshire Blvd. A. 90036, Mon-Fri : 10:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. (Sat. 10:00a.m. – 1:00 p.m.) In order to further promote and strengthen Korean art, Director Kim, Jaewon of the Korean Cultural Center, Los Angeles will hold an exhibition from 7/.. 2009. 7. 11.
El Camino College The Print Center Printmaking This article is about techniques of printmaking as a fine art. For the history of printmaking in Europe, see Old master print. For the Japanese printmaking tradition, see Ukiyo-e. Printmaking is the process of making artworks by printing, normally on paper. Except in the case of monotyping, the process is capable of producing multiples of the same piece, which is called a print. Eac.. 2009. 1. 12.
조미영 - 깃羽 조미영 깃羽 조미영_쉼_홀로서기, 먹, 염료, 한지_130×162cm_ 2008 홍익대학교 동양화과와 동대학원을 졸업한 조미영은 덕원갤러리(1999), 김옥길기념관(2003), 한전프라자갤러리(2005) 등에서 개인전을 개최한 바 있으며 GATE gallery 전시는 그의 아홉 번째 개인전이다. 작가는 이번 전시에서 정제 시키는 과정.. 2008. 12. 30.
꿈꾸는 달팽이 A Snail with Hope and Dream - 이규민 조각전 한전프라자 갤러리 초대 이규민 조각전 '꿈꾸는 달팽이' A Snail with Hope and Dream F.R.P. 270x155x200cm 2007~8 2008년 10월 19일 ~ 10월 28일 한전프라자 갤러리 서울시 서초구 서초동 1355. 한전아트센터 1층 Tel.02-2105-8192 www.kepco.co.kr/plaza 오프닝 : 2008. 10. 20 PM 6:00 A Snail with Hope and Dream F.R.P. 350x130x157cm/175x64x82cm 2007~8 기호.. 2008. 10. 2.
반전의 풍경 Reversed Landscapes - 임현숙 Lim Hyun Sook 임현숙개인전 'Reversed Landscapes' 임현숙_Cosmos_oil on canvas_53×45.5_2008 2008년 9월 30일(화) ~ 10월 7일(화) 다미갤러리 대구광역시 수성구 수성1가 272변지 우방한가람타운 상가2F 223-225호 T.053-952-3232 opening 9월30일(화) 오후 6:00 임현숙_Cosmos_oil on canvas_53×33.4_2008 마음의 눈에 비친 세상의 진실 ‘세상에 진실은 없.. 2008. 9. 23.
Studio Unit 2008 정기展 Studio Unit 2008 정기展 'Studio Unit의 89명 작가들_open stdio project' 2008년 9월 19일(금) ~ 9월 29일(월) HUT_헛 서울시 마포구 서교동 368-13 TEL 02-6401-3613 FAX 02-6401-3613 www.hut368.com 오프닝: 2008년9월 19일 (금) 오후 6시 작업실 투어 : 9월 20일 , 28일 홍대 헛에서 출발 (오후 2시~6시) 작가프리젠테이션 : 9월 21일 유갑규, 노.. 2008. 9. 8.
Beyond Tradition - Cara Weston & Susan Bein w i z m o s i s superlative visual everything + pithy verbiage + rent-a-brain why ditz around? hire someone good! stock • events • portraits • dogs • illustration • print design • web design • patterns • Workshops & Teaching As soon as I learn something, I begin teaching it. I taught my sister to read before she was.. 2008. 9. 4.
Theo Jansen: The Art of Creating Creatures Theo Jansen, if you're unfamiliar, is the progenitor of Strandbeests--autonomous, wind-powered plastic tube creatures, many the size of elephants and larger, that this Dutch artist / engineer assembles to roam the beaches of Holland. Theo Jansen: The art of creating creatures Theo Jansen Since 1990 I have been occupied creating new forms of life. Not pollen or seeds but plastic yellow tubes are.. 2008. 8. 22.