Michel de Broin - Superficial
Michel de Broin Superficial | 2004 MIrror, glue, cement / Vosges, Alsace, France Superficial | 2004 MIrror, glue, cement / Vosges, Alsace, France Superficial | 2004 MIrror, glue, cement / Vosges, Alsace, France Superficial | 2004 Model Superficial | 2004 Construction site / MIrror, glue, cement / Vosges, Alsace, France Upon invitation to reflect on the notion of transparency, that led me into t..
2008. 3. 25.
Crystal City - A Digital Print Series 1 - HyerimLee
Hye Rim Lee Born 1963 in Seoul, Korea Lives and works in Auckland, New Zealand and Toronto, Canada Education 2002 Bachelor of Fine Arts (Intermedia) Elam School of Fine Arts, The University of Auckland, New Zealand 1985 Bachelor of Music (Voice) Ewha Women’s University, Seoul, Korea Selected Individual Exhibitions 2005 Super Toy, Show, Wellington Powder Room, The Gus Fisher Gallery, Auckland ..
2007. 12. 7.