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Traditional Sex Roles Hwang Chang Bae Untitled, 1996 Mixed Media on Korean Thick Paper 72.7 x 60.6 cm Traditional Sex Roles Women’s awareness of the value of life brought about many changes for the past four decades after the women’s movement. Many women are more interested in individual achievements, rather than keeping the traditional female role, housewife. While women extend their role in the work force, the.. 2004. 7. 15.
Our Generation-Transitional Generation Our Generation – Transitional Generation Our generation is a transitional generation and need to cope with the swiftly transformational changes, because our generation is the bridge in between the less material, slow movement of old generation and the fast developed technology of new generation. Therefore, our generation requires a multi-functional and well-rounded person. Old generat.. 2004. 7. 14.
“Blue 블 루” ▶ “Blue 블 루” 1. 푸른 바다처럼 여인의 깊은 흔적을 남겨 줄 작품.... 2. 이제까지의 제임스 전의 작품은 모두 잊어라~ 3. 음악을 향해 꿈틀거리는 에너지... 4. 잔잔하면서도 폭발하듯이 뿜어대는 열정의 무대 5. 드뷔시의 선율을 뽑아내는 육체의 소리 6. 인상주의 모네의 작품에서 영감 지난 3월 미국 .. 2004. 7. 5.
Dream Train The KTX (Korea Train Express) rail service was launched on April 1, 2004, amid much anticipation because the train boasts 300km/hr speed, the fastest in Korea’s public ground transportation history. We expect many benefits from the high-speed train, particularly that it will revolutionize the nation’s business and leisure culture, thus changing the lives of Koreans. Little wonder, then, tha.. 2004. 6. 28.
Notable Writer: Barbara Ehrenreich Notable Writer: Barbara Ehrenreich BARBARA EHRENREICH is a political essayist and social critic who tackles a brave and diverse range of issues in books and magazine articles. She is the author or co-author of twelve books including Fear of Falling: The Inner Life of the Middle Class, and, most recently, Blood Rites: Origins and History of the Passions of War. She has written for dozens of maga.. 2004. 6. 26.
The monk, the philosopher and the cynic Jean-François Revel and his son, Buddhist monk Matthieu Ricard, set out to have a spiritual dialogue -- but the cosmic harmony was shattered when Christopher Hitchens showed up. BY CHRIS COLIN Philosopher Jean-François Revel, in a plain gray suit and topped with an imposing bald head, crossed a leg in his hotel chair with that great French look -- half auteur, half politician. His.. 2004. 5. 27.
길을 지우며 길을 걷다... ■ 삶의 속도를 자연과 호흡하듯 맑고 깊게… 시인인 그가 홀연 서울 생활을 접고 지리산으로 들어간 지 7년째다. 처음엔 그의 뜻밖의 행보에 지인들이 놀랐지만, 이제 이원규는 “지리산 시인”이라는 별칭이 붙어다니는, 알 만한 사람은 다 아는 지리산 사람이 되어 있다. 그는 산속에 묻혀 지내는 .. 2004. 5. 24.
finding the meaning of life... Arguments for God: The flood theory of evolution, and creationism are based on the fact that the laws of nature were put into place before the evolution of the planet and the universe. Instead life could evovle and make the rules as it goes. Life on Mars could exist, but not as we know it. Why does all life need oxygen and water? There could be something out there that breathes CO2 and drinks s.. 2004. 4. 24.
Fitzgerald as Screenwriter Fitzgerald as Screenwriter: No Hollywood Ending By CHARLES McGRATH Published: April 22, 2004 Bruccoli Collection, University of South CarolinaF. Scott Fitzgerald n the summer of 1937, broke, in debt and trying desperately to dry out, F. Scott Fitzgerald moved to Hollywood, where he joined the legions of jerks with Underwoods, to paraphrase the studio chief Jack Warner's famous put-down of scree.. 2004. 4. 22.
Sandy Beach - Culture Abundance Culture Abundance “Culture shock” should be changed to “culture abundance” or “culture richness.” Most people who are faced with different cultures while living in different countries seem to accept the word “culture shock” in a negative way. We should acknowledge cultural affluence while developing our diverse life styles. “Culture” means “the totality of socially transmi.. 2004. 4. 19.
착한 아이의 비극 [도서] 착한 아이의 비극 : 착한 아이를 강요하는 부모가 아이를 망친다 가토 다이조 저/오근영 역 | 한울림 | 2003년 12월 책소개 착한 아이가 아니면 사랑하지 않을 것인가? "바보같이 왜 그렇게 해, 엄마가 가르쳐 준 대로만 하면 돼" "착한 아이라면 엄마 말을 들어야지" "착한 아이라면 공부 열심히 해.. 2004. 4. 17.
교실이데아 Live 서태지 , 피아 , 넬 , 세븐 , 휘성 - 교실이데아 ( Live ) 2004. 3. 19.