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Turin bids circus-like farewell to Olympics; Vancouver takes the reins Turin bids circus-like farewell to Olympics; Vancouver takes the reins TURIN, ITALY - FEBRUARY 26: The Olympic flame burns during the Closing Ceremony of the Turin 2006 Winter Olympic Games on February 26, 2006 at the Olympic Stadium in Turin, Italy. (Photo by Jed Jacobsohn/Getty Images) By DAVID CRARY, AP National Writer TURIN, Italy (AP) -- Arrivederci, eh? Turin bid farewell to its Olympics .. 2006. 2. 28.
Disparate Conservative Assessments of Bush http://www.joe-ks.com/archives_mar2005/WhiteHousePhone.htm Books of The Times | 'Rebel in Chief' and 'Impostor' Disparate Conservative Assessments of Bush Left: Fox News Channel; Right: Van Riper Photography Left: Fred Barnes; Right: Bruce Bartlett. REBEL IN CHIEF Inside the Bold and Controversial Presidency of George W. Bush By FRED BARNES 220 pages. Crown Forum. $23.95. IMPOSTOR How George W... 2006. 2. 21.
[스크랩] 꿈틀이를 찾아 줘 &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp http://www.yes24.com/home/chyes/05_FlashJuvenile.asp 2006. 1. 28.
Basic Info. for daily lives & travel tips in America... Basic Info. for daily lives & travel tips in America... 기후 미국의 기후는 면적이 넓어서 각 지역마다 차이가 납니다. 로스앤젤레스는 일 년 내내 온난하고 6월부터 10월은 우리나라의 여름과 비슷하며 30℃ 이상 올라갈 때도 있지만 습도가 낮아서 그늘에 있으면 시원하고 햇볕에 있으면 따갑다고 느껴지는 정.. 2006. 1. 26.
2006 Consumer Electronics Show 2006 Consumer Electronics Show By DAVID POGUE Published: January 4, 2006 Greetings from Las Vegas! I'm in town, of course, for one of the biggest trade shows on earth: the Consumer Electronics Show. It's a four-day techno-lollapalooza for the 140,000 technology fans and journalist types who descend from all over the world. (Actually, I'm typing this on the plane from New York to Vegas--a plane .. 2006. 1. 7.
리상호와 한국고전 리상호와 한국고전 서점에 ‘청구영언’ 을 사러 갔지만 그 책이 없었다. 우리 문학의 국보적인 시조집 ‘청구영언’ 이 서점에 없다는 것이 놀라웠다. 대신 ‘해동가요’ 를 찾아봐도 역시 없었다. 점원이 컴퓨터를 한참 두들기더니 며칠 후 ‘청구영언선’ 이라는 책을 대신 보내왔다. 편자가 ‘리.. 2005. 12. 29.
United Buddy Bears United Buddy Bears Exhibition “WE HAVE TO GET TO KNOW EACH OTHER BETTER …, "WIR MÜSSEN UNS BESSER KENNENLERNEN ..., “我们应相互加深了解...... ‘BIRBIRIMIZI DAHA IYI TANIMALIYIZ ..., “우리는 서로 서로를 더 잘 알아야 합니다…, 「私達は、より良く知りあわなければなりません..., © 2005 Eine Initiative von.. 2005. 11. 5.
PIFF2005 http://www.nkino.com/MovieFestival/PIFF2005 2005. 10. 7.
KBS WORLD The Echostar Dish Network currently carries KBS WORLD in its premium package. KBS and Echostar reached an agreement to put KBS WORLD in its basic package in the near future, enabling access to over a million Americans. In response to the strong demand for KBS dramas in nearly all Asian regions, KBS WORLD has started to expand its service area. KBS WORLD currently airs in Australia, New Zealand,.. 2005. 9. 28.
Beating Hurdles, Scientists Clone a Dog for a First Beating Hurdles, Scientists Clone a Dog for a First By GINA KOLATA Published: August 4, 2005 South Korean researchers are reporting today that they have cloned what scientists deem the most difficult animal, the dog. The group worked for nearly three years, seven days a week, 365 days a year and used 1,095 eggs from 122 dogs before finally succeeding with the birth of a cloned male Afghan hound... 2005. 8. 4.
hoops&yoyo hoops&yoyo Photo of the Week summertime, summertime! our friend hannah is only 12 but she's already a really great photographer! she sent us these super duper pics of hoops&yoyo spending the summer at her place, complete with a great big swimming pool, fudgesicles (yum) and (drumroll, please) a drum set! we sure hope those two didn't wake up the entire neighborhood with their crazy rhyt.. 2005. 6. 25.
[스크랩] http://www.blueufo.com http://www.blueufo.com 2005. 3. 28.