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Waldorf Salad & Jellybean Guacamole 2004. 4. 28.
in the middle of... BODY{FONT-FAMILY: 굴림;FONT-SIZE: 9pt;}DIV,P {FONT-SIZE: 9pt;margin-top:2px;margin-bottom:2px;} 2004. 4. 26.
현각스님, 작가 베르베르와 대담 佛 포교활동 현각스님, 작가 베르베르와 대담 파리의 베르나르 베르베르(왼쪽) 자택에서 이루어진 현각 스님과 베르베르의 대담에서는 시공을 초월한 선문답이 오갔다. -파리=박제균특파원 “물질세계의 미래는 어둡다. 어둠을 밝힐 영성(靈性)이 필요하다. 어쩌면 미래에 물질과 영성이.. 2004. 4. 25.
finding the meaning of life... Arguments for God: The flood theory of evolution, and creationism are based on the fact that the laws of nature were put into place before the evolution of the planet and the universe. Instead life could evovle and make the rules as it goes. Life on Mars could exist, but not as we know it. Why does all life need oxygen and water? There could be something out there that breathes CO2 and drinks s.. 2004. 4. 24.
The Meaning of Life... We had an art critic and presentation for the artworks in our print making class, today. I was the first one who starts to bring the enthusiasm for the class atmosphere in the beautiful morning. While I was giving my presentation, I came up with the content which I always think it’s really important to making vivid art works. Then, I brought up what artists can convey their thought to the aud.. 2004. 4. 24.
N. Korea Crash Kills Up to 3,000 평안북도 용천군 용천역(점선 부분) 일대를 지난해 5월 13일 인공위성이 촬영한 사진. 역을 중심으로 위쪽이 신의주, 아래쪽이 평양 방향. 22일 일어난 폭발로 역 반경 500m 이내에 빼곡히 들어선 아파트와 주택들이 대부분 붕괴된 것으로 알려졌다.[로이터 뉴시스] Report: N. Korea Crash Kills Up to 3,000 By SANG-HUN.. 2004. 4. 23.
Fitzgerald as Screenwriter Fitzgerald as Screenwriter: No Hollywood Ending By CHARLES McGRATH Published: April 22, 2004 Bruccoli Collection, University of South CarolinaF. Scott Fitzgerald n the summer of 1937, broke, in debt and trying desperately to dry out, F. Scott Fitzgerald moved to Hollywood, where he joined the legions of jerks with Underwoods, to paraphrase the studio chief Jack Warner's famous put-down of scree.. 2004. 4. 22.
Bohemian Rhapsody - Queen Queen - Bohemian Rhapsody Is this the real life? Is this just fantasy? Caught in a landslide, No escape from reality Open your eyes, Look up to the skies and see, I'm just a poor boy, I need no sympathy Because I'm easy come, easy go, Little high, little low Any way the wind blows doesn't really matter to me, to me Mama, just killed a man, Put a gun against his head Pulled my trigger, now he's .. 2004. 4. 21.
기발한 아이디어가 Quiz 를 통해서... 순간적인 집중력과 기억력 그리고 반성적 사고 를 확인하여 문제 파악의 중요성 을 인식하는 것이 학습의 목적입니다. 문제는 그리 어렵지 않습니다. 여러분도 도전하여 끝까지 풀어 주세요! <수학적 조건 분석력 이 얼마나 되는지 확인해 볼까요?> 1.기린을 냉장고에 넣는 방법은? 2.코끼리를 냉장.. 2004. 4. 20.
RAY CAROFANO I / TEN YEARS Landscapes Young Apple Trees 2001 Photo- Toned GSP RAY CAROFANO / TEN YEARS Photographic Works from 1994-2004 "RAY CAROFANO / TEN YEARS - Photographic Works from 1994-2004" is featuring on month of April, 2004 at El Camino College Art Gallery. The show presents 3 different categories. They are “Faces of San Pedro”, “High Tension”, and “Landscapes.” It was 10 o’clock in the morning.. 2004. 4. 19.
Sandy Beach - Culture Abundance Culture Abundance “Culture shock” should be changed to “culture abundance” or “culture richness.” Most people who are faced with different cultures while living in different countries seem to accept the word “culture shock” in a negative way. We should acknowledge cultural affluence while developing our diverse life styles. “Culture” means “the totality of socially transmi.. 2004. 4. 19.
Sultans of Swing - Dire Straits Sultans of Swing You get a shiver in the dark It's raining in the park but meantime South of the river you stop and you hold everything A band is blowing Dixie double four time You feel alright when you hear that music ring You step inside but you don't see too many faces Coming in out of the rain to hear the jazz go down Too much competition too many other places But not too many horns can mak.. 2004. 4. 18.