조승우4 Tazza: High Rollers 타짜 The War Of Flower 2006 Tazza: The High Rollers Go-nee has lost his entire savings, saved over a period of 5 years, at a gambling joint. While Go-nee drinks heavily, determined to throw away his life, he discovers that he was swindled by professional fraudulent gamblers, so-called ‘slickers’. To regain his sister’s money, Go-nee begins training to be the best slicker under a master of gambling, Mr. PYEONG. Go-ne.. 2010. 7. 12. Low Life 하류인생 Raging Years 2004 Nothing could stop my Passion for a decent Life call ma a scum if you want One Life, no Regrets. 1950년대 후반 자유당 정권 말기부터 1970년대 초반 유신체제 수립까지 한국 현대사를 배경 삼아 한 남자의 젊은 날을 클로즈업한 임권택 감독의 새로운 경지 삶은 기대를 배신한다. 최선을 다해도 피할 수 없는 일이 있고 아무리 .. 2010. 7. 12. 고고 70 Go Go 70s 2008 The 1970s of Korea was the dark ages of military autocratic regime as well as an era of revolutionary upheaval of pop culture lead by energetic youth. After wandering the shabby clubs of a U.S. military campside town, singer Sang-kyu and a guitarist Man-sik forms a rock group ‘Devils’ with four other members. They enter a rock band contest and make a strong impression with their shocking ye.. 2010. 7. 12. 불꽃처럼 나비처럼 The Sword With No Name 2009 명성황후 ‘민자영’과 호위무사 ‘무명’의 조선왕조 마지막 멜로 <불꽃처럼 나비처럼> 모두가 알지만 아무도 몰랐던, 조선왕조 마지막 여인 명성황후 ‘민자영’. 그녀를 향한 가슴 시린 사랑 이야기가 스크린에 펼쳐진다. 열강들의 세력 다툼 속에서 폭풍같은 삶을 살았던 여인 ‘민자영’은 .. 2010. 5. 9. 이전 1 다음