Journey Here we sit, waiting for time always in line. There is no end, only the journey. Where we stand, we’re never sure, so insecure. And in the end, only the journey. There we go; working, trying, hoping, sighing. But in the end, only the journey. How we walk; all four, two, three, and some on knee. Yet in the end, only the journey. Who we meet alters the way we see each day. But in the en..
2007. 4. 8.
Meditation with Cherry-Blossom & Dewdrops on Spiderweb
Like a frontier fortress, guarded inside & out, guard yourself. Don't let the moment pass by. Those for whom the moment is past grieve, consigned to hell. -Dhammapada, 22 Actions motivated by attachment, aversion, or ignorance, regardless of any external appearances, are simply not Buddhist practices. -Lorne Ladner, "Wheel Of Great Compassion" Loosened & oiled Are the joys of a person. People, ..
2007. 2. 17.
人間 사람 사이
Sandalwood, tagara, lotus, & jasmine: Among these scents, The scent of virtue Is unsurpassed. Next to nothing, this fragrance --sandalwood, tagara— while the scent of the virtuous wafts to the gods, supreme. -Dhammapada, 4 Real Love is not based on attachment, but on altruism. In this case, your compassion will remain as a humane response to suffering as long as beings continue to..
2006. 12. 10.