Critique11 Not A Stoic But An Aficionado of RAIN/Rain/Bi- I'm Coming Not A Stoic But An Aficionado of RAIN Even a stoic cannot tolerate Jon Pareles's Pop Music Review, “Korean Superstar Who Smiles and Says, 'I'm Lonely,'” published on Arts section in New York Times on Feb. 4, 2006. This article is about “RAINY DAY in New York,” the concert at the Madison Square Garden on Feb. 2 and 3, 2006. As an aficionado of RAIN, I have enthusiastic challenge to respo.. 2006. 2. 11. February 9, 2005 Web Site Analysis: This is a front page of Victoria Jordan’s web design site. It looks like a floral site that serves for the funeral business since it’s on black background with white cut flowers. Even the title, designer’s name, looks gloomy and sad because of its irregular white oblique lines in 'Castellar’ font type hand writing. When you hit .. 2005. 2. 15. February 7, 2005 Web Site Analysis: This is a front page of Sara Waters’ Graphic Design, Print and Web Design Site. This Web Site is for the sake of display Sara Waters’ Graphic Design abilities. It represents really well the purposes and goals of this site. The whole layout is divided five-eight horizon golden proportion with four images together in a clean cut rectan.. 2005. 2. 8. “Out of the Blue” by Arlene Shechet Gallery SHOSHANAWAYNE, located in Bergamot Station Arts Center, Santa Monica, is featuring a solo exhibition by Arlene Shechet entitled “Out of the Blue”. The entire exhibit hall is designed for the installation with several pieces of rope horizontally hung on the eye level, as if the whole place is the one great art piece. When you come into the main entrance, you eyes are captured by the .. 2004. 6. 1. “L.A. Woman” Artworks by Kim McCarty (water color) Gallery C is featuring “LA Woman” curates by Nancy Silverman-Miles. The exhibit hall is designed for 5 artists in 3 different spaces in remodeled beautiful historical building. When you come in the main entrance, you eyes are captured by a sculpture, wide spreading out 9-pieces Glass and Acrylic connected with different length of chains, hanging on the .. 2004. 5. 20. Ray Carofano III 1. “High Tension #37” – gelatin silver print 1998 The powerful vertical bold electric pole is placed in a little off from the center, three different diagnostic slant wires create tight tension in left side of a pole, and several fine cove wires are hanging top of the pole with fascinated position in right side. The horizontal land is strongly positioned in the front lower part, and the d.. 2004. 5. 7. Ray Carofano II Lanscapes Two Trees 2001 Photo - Toned GSP Lecture by Ray Carofano on Tuesday, April 6, 2004 at El Camino College Art Gallery “RAY CAROFANO / TEN YEARS - photographic works from 1994-2004” on month of April, 2004. He introduced himself from his childhood, when he had a lot of experience with nature. His direction and vision of life has changed through self expressions, when he became teenag.. 2004. 5. 3. RAY CAROFANO I / TEN YEARS Landscapes Young Apple Trees 2001 Photo- Toned GSP RAY CAROFANO / TEN YEARS Photographic Works from 1994-2004 "RAY CAROFANO / TEN YEARS - Photographic Works from 1994-2004" is featuring on month of April, 2004 at El Camino College Art Gallery. The show presents 3 different categories. They are “Faces of San Pedro”, “High Tension”, and “Landscapes.” It was 10 o’clock in the morning.. 2004. 4. 19. LEAD INTO GOLD/Images of Alchemy in Contemporary Art Time And Again 2002 bone dust on black aluminum panel 39" x 27" x 3" “Time and Again” by Sarah Perry What I understood the meaning of alchemy, the main theme of this exhibition, is that dealt with the phenomenon of transformation-not only of lead into gold but also of the human spirit. The artwork, “Time and Again”, represents the main idea of alchemy exactly. Artist, Sarah Perry, creat.. 2004. 3. 23. Parsons Dance Company/DANCE ENSEMBLE I attended a dance concert, “ADVANCED DANCE ENSEMBLE” at El Camino College Campus Theatre on Friday, December 5, 2003. ECC dance faculties choreographed for ECC Concert Dance Ensemble. Bernice Boseman is the artistic director. The program is consisted of Jazz Dance, Ballet, Modern Dance, Hip-Hop and Native Ritual Dance. Each performance contains with its meaningful contents and themes combi.. 2004. 1. 24. READ THE BONES READ THE BONES LORETTA LIVINGSTON & DANCERS A dance concert that I attended is “READ THE BONES” at the Central Library Mark Taper Auditorium, Downtown Los Angeles on Saturday, September 20, 2003. “READ THE BONES” is a new dance combines with the live music and video performance, projected by Loretta Livingston and Dancers. The video images and performing concepts are inspired from S.. 2003. 12. 20. 이전 1 다음