Korea21 워낭소리 Old Partner 2008 워낭소리 Old Partner International Documentary Feature Films South Korea, 2008, 75 mins., color Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remains unawakened. — Anatole France In a remote, verdant valley in South Korea, old Mr. and Mrs. Lee live on a farm with their rickety ox. For forty years, the animal has served them faithfully —hauling untold firewood loads and dragging th.. 2009. 2. 9. New York Times Full-Page Ad: Dokdo is Korea's Territory! Dokdo ad in NYT A popular Korean singer has taken out a full-page advertisement in the New York Times in an effort to educate the world that Dokdo is Korea's territory and not Japan's territory. To read an article about it by The Korea Times see below or go to: http://www.koreatimes.co.kr/www/news/nation/2008/07/113_27378.html And the ad actually got attention from the American press and AP did.. 2008. 7. 12. 太 王 四 神 記 2007 Taewangsasingi This picture of Bae Yong-joon, left, and his co-star is taken from a book introducing the TV drama Taewansasingi. / Courtesy of Kodansha By Bae Ji-sook Staff Reporter Photos of actor Bae Yong-joon filming the TV drama "Taewangsasingi" (The Four Guardian Gods of the King) were released through his fan site. In the photos, the actor, widely known by his nickname ``Yonsama,'' was dressed as the ch.. 2007. 9. 4. 겨울연가 2002 Winter Sonata Why is Winter Sonata a Big Hit in Asia? by Diana Lee What is it about Winter Sonata that touches so many women of all ages throughout Asia? Upon a closer scrutiny, this Korean TV drama series offers more than a complex love story, intriguing plot twists, good acting, memorable scenes and lines, not to mention, breathtaking winter scenery backed up by melancholic music tunes. Under the crafty di.. 2007. 8. 29. BBOY- 070707 Korean Bboy crew Extreme 2005 Expression Crew Marionette performance Highlights from BOTY 06 Korea Korean BBoy group Extreme 2k6 Traditional Korean music mixed with Hip Hop 2007. 7. 7. [스크랩] Jump “최고예요!(Superb)” 6일 오후 7시 반(현지 시간) 영국 런던 웨스트엔드에 있는 피콕 극장에서는 환호가 멈추지 않았다. 한국의 넌버벌 퍼포먼스 ‘점프’가 유럽 공연의 중심지인 웨스트엔드에서 드디어 10주간의 긴 여정의 막을 올린 날이었다. 개막일인 이날, 런던에서는 공교롭게도 한국축구대표팀.. 2007. 5. 30. Korea Sparkling hellohallyu.com Korea Tourism Organization has today launched a new, bright image for the country through its Korea, Sparkling campaign and to celebrate is giving away twenty return air tickets to visit the country. The new marketing brand launched on the country’s tourism portal www.tour2korea.com symbolizes the energetic and lively Korean people and shows a country of dazzling culture, passion.. 2007. 5. 28. [스크랩] 선동에서 070509 출처 : 道德 文化의 形成을 위하여 글쓴이 : 초량교6학년 1950 원글보기 메모 : 2007. 5. 10. The Spirit of Korean Cultural Roots 1: A Brief History of Korea The Spirit of Korean Cultural Roots 1: A Brief History of Korea Author: Shin Hyong Sik Publisher: Ewha Womans University Press Pub. Date: Mar. 2005 Hardcover: 141 pages Dimensions (in inches): 7.4 x 5.2 x 0.55 Published as part of an ambitious, years-long project by Ewha Womans University Press to publish a total of 50 books on Korean culture and arts - both in Korean and English - these Englis.. 2007. 3. 5. ‘30년 만의 비나리’… 전통 예술 촬영에 반평생 천승요 씨 ‘30년 만의 비나리’… 전통 예술 촬영에 반평생 천승요 씨 전통 공연이 벌어지는 곳이면 언제나 카메라를 들고 나타나는 천승요(55) 씨. 처음 그의 명함을 건네받고 깜짝 놀랐다. 종이가 아닌 미니 CD였기 때문이다. CD를 컴퓨터에 넣어 보니 ‘30년 만의 외도’라는 동영상이 뜬다. 꽹과리 명인 이광수 .. 2006. 8. 9. NHN 美게임시장 진출 "'한국의 구글' NHN, 美게임시장 진출" (서울=연합뉴스) 김중배 기자 = '한국의 구글'로 불리는 NHN이 온라인게임 시장을 통해 미국시장 진출을 위한 교두보 확보에 나섰다고 월스트리트저널(WSJ)이 26일 보도했다. NHN은 지난해 설립한 미국 현지법인 NHN USA가 운영하는 게임포털 이지닷컴의 공개 시범서비스.. 2006. 7. 27. Steve DongSoo Rhee The Shaft5500 another Movie night with EHCO hommies... and Ben on his Birthday Eve... played Basketball with Ben at MSC on June 24, 2006 he's right up here very next to books in the middle^.~ ... looks a smart boy^^ 3rd Grade 1966 Steve growing into young man where is he... It's hard to find him in here... >.< who are we talking about... Steve DongSoo Rhee The Shaft5500 born in July 8, 1958, Monterey, .. 2006. 7. 12. 이전 1 2 다음