Liberty3 Self-Appraisal Self-Appraisal April 19, 2007 “Well trained in all positions of Patient Business Services (PBS) at Community Hospital of the Monterey Peninsula (CHOMP).” This statement is my “Goals For Next Year” in 90 days Job Performance Review on July 14, 2006. Since I took Medical Terminology at MPC in Spring 2006, I have been excited to utilize my knowledge when I am registering patients at the ho.. 2007. 4. 21. The Dead - Billy Collins Animated Poetry The Dead - Billy Collins Animated Poetry Forgetfulness - Billy Collins Animated Poetry The Best Cigarette - Billy Collins Animated Poetry Some Days - Billy Collins Animated Poetry Walking Across the Atlantic - Billy Collins Animated Poetry Best American Poetry 2006: Billy Collins' Introduction 2007. 3. 18. 정광명 淨光明 Clear Light 정광명 淨光明 Clear Light 존재하는 모든 것들의 근본 실체를 이루고 있는것... 정광명 淨光明 Clear Light 죽음의 순간에 나타나는 존재 근원에서 나오는 투명한 빛을 깨달아 영원한 자유를 얻게 되며, 어떤 사후세계도 거치지 않고 공중에 위쪽 방향으로 똑바로 난 큰 길 無上垂直道 를 따라 태어남이 없는.. 2005. 10. 16. 이전 1 다음