Osteoporosis5 골다공증 Osteoporosis 일반적으로 뼈는 30세 중반까지 자라나 35세 전후로 최고로 단단하게 되었다가 35세 이후부터는 노화에 의해 매년 약 1퍼센트씩 손실된다. 여성의 경우는 폐경 후에 그전보다 배 이상으로 급격히 손실된다. 따라서 뼈가 약해지는 것은 자연적인 노화 현상이다. 하지만 비슷한 세대의 다른 .. 2013. 4. 22. 나또 Nattō 納豆 なっとう Nattō (なっとう or 納豆) is a traditional Japanese food made from soybeans fermented with Bacillus subtilis. It is popular especially as a breakfast food. As a rich source of protein, nattō and the soybean paste miso formed a vital source of nutrition in feudal Japan. Nattō can be an acquired taste because of its powerful smell, strong flavor, and slippery texture. In Japan nattō .. 2010. 10. 12. Spanish Rice With Shrimp Few foods other than halibut, salmon, cod, and herring are naturally good sources of vitamin D. A delicious dose of vitamin D by Cheri Swoboda, The Oregonian Besides boasting other vitamins, Spanish Rice With Shrimp also is relatively low in fat  Pick up any recent health publication, and you'll probably read about the importance of vitamin D -- aka the sunshine vitamin -- for healthy bon.. 2009. 1. 25. Calcium and Vitamin D Calcium, Vitamin D and Your Health Calcium and Vitamin D are nutrients that have received much attention in recent years because they work together to prevent several chronic diseases. One of the best sources of calcium and Vitamin D is milk, but there are other sources. This pamphlet can help you understand why adequate amounts of these nutrients are needed for overall health and prevention of.. 2009. 1. 25. 양파 Onions Onions Known for centuries as an all round remedy, these powerful bulbs, often called the kings of herbs, can help prevent a wide range of ailments Key benefits of onions Onions help to reduce the risk of heart disease and stroke. They also have anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer effects. They relieve congestion in the airways. The allium family, onions and garlic are rich in powerful sulphur-co.. 2009. 1. 18. 이전 1 다음