William Wordsworth14 22 The Sovereignty of God 22 The Sovereignty of God 하나님의 주권 Who wouldst not fear Thee, O Lord God of Hosts, most high and most terrible? For Thou art Lord alone. Thou has made heaven and the heaven of heavens, the earth and all things that are therein, and in Thy hand is the soul of every living thing, Thou sittest king upon the flood; yea, Thou sittest king forever. Thou art a great king over all the earth. Thou art clo.. 2008. 8. 22. blueSpirit - 비감 悲感 Pathos 1992 비감 悲感 Pathos 1992 화선지에 수묵담채 Ink and color on Korean paper 90 x 160cm _ 35 1/2 x 53 1/4in Guilt And Sorrow William Wordsworth LXXI 'She' slept in peace,--his pulses throbbed and stopped, Breathless he gazed upon her face,--then took Her hand in his, and raised it, but both dropped, When on his own he cast a rueful look. His ears were never silent; sleep forsook His burnin.. 2008. 6. 17. blueSpirit - 안개숲 霧林 Opaque Mist 1992 안개숲 霧林 Opaque Mist 1992 두방지 豆方紙 서화판에 수묵담채 Ink and color on Layered Korean paper 24 x 27cm _ 9 1/2 x 10 3/4in Guilt And Sorrow William Wordsworth LXI A cart and horse beside the rivulet stood; Chequering the canvas roof the sunbeams shone. She saw the carman bend to scoop the flood As the wain fronted her,--wherein lay one, A pale-faced Woman, in disease far gone. The carman wet her lips as well .. 2008. 6. 16. blueSpirit - 푸른안개 綠霧 Mist Blue 1992 푸른안개 綠霧 Mist Blue 1992 두방지 豆方紙 서화판에 수묵담채 Ink and color on Layered Korean paper 24 x 27cm _ 9 1/2 x 10 3/4in Guilt And Sorrow William Wordsworth LI True sympathy the Sailor's looks expressed, His looks--for pondering he was mute the while. Of social Order's care for wretchedness, Of Time's sure help to calm and reconcile, Joy's second spring and Hope's long-treasured smile, 'Twas not for 'him' to.. 2008. 6. 15. blueSpirit - 기하학 幾何學 Geometry 1992 기하학 幾何學 Geometry 1992 종이에 혼합재료 Mixed Media on Paper 51 x 42cm _ 20 x 16 1/2in Guilt And Sorrow William Wordsworth XLI "And oft I thought (my fancy was so strong) That I, at last, a resting-place had found; 'Here will I dwell,' said I, 'my whole life long, Roaming the illimitable waters round; Here will I live, of all but heaven disowned, And end my days upon the peaceful flood.'-- To break my dr.. 2008. 6. 14. blueSpirit - 분투 奮鬪 Strenuous Effort 1992 분투 奮鬪 Strenuous Effort 1992 종이에 혼합재료 Mixed Media on Paper 76 x 56cm _ 30 x 22in Guilt And Sorrow William Wordsworth XXXI "'Twas a hard change; an evil time was come; We had no hope, and no relief could gain: But soon, with proud parade, the noisy drum Beat round to clear the streets of want and pain. My husband's arms now only served to strain Me and his children hungering in his view; In such d.. 2008. 6. 13. blueSpirit - 섬광 閃光 Flash 1992 섬광 閃光 Flash 1992 화선지에 수묵담채 Ink and color on Korean paper 160 x 90cm _ 53 1/4 x 35 1/2in Guilt And Sorrow William Wordsworth XXI Such tale of this lone mansion she had learned And, when that shape, with eyes in sleep half drowned, By the moon's sullen lamp she first discerned, Cold stony horror all her senses bound. Her he addressed in words of cheering sound; Recovering heart, like answer did sh.. 2008. 6. 12. blueSpirit - 번민 煩悶 Anguish 1992 번민 煩悶 Anguish 1992 화선지에 수묵담채 Ink and color on Korean paper 160 x 90cm _ 53 1/4 x 35 1/2in Guilt And Sorrow William Wordsworth XI As one whose brain habitual phrensy fires Owes to the fit in which his soul hath tossed Profounder quiet, when the fit retires, Even so the dire phantasma which had crossed His sense, in sudden vacancy quite lost, Left his mind still as a deep evening stream. Nor, if a.. 2008. 6. 11. blueSpirit - 번뇌 煩惱 Agony 1992 번뇌 煩惱 Agony 1992 화선지에 수묵담채 Ink and color on Korean paper 160 x 90cm _ 53 1/4 x 35 1/2in Guilt And Sorrow William Wordsworth I A TRAVELLER on the skirt of Sarum's Plain Pursued his vagrant way, with feet half bare; Stooping his gait, but not as if to gain Help from the staff he bore; for mien and air Were hardy, though his cheek seemed worn with care Both of the time to come, and time long fled: .. 2008. 6. 10. Desert Solitaire - Questions/Analysis 16 March 2005 EDWARD ABBEY DESERT SOLITAIRE – A Season in the Wilderness Discussion Points 1. What is the tone of the narrative? (See “tone” in LB 32, 116, and 127) The tone combines rational appeals to reader’s capacities for logical reasoning with emotional appeals to readers’ beliefs and feelings. Ultimately, these tones contribute to ethical appeal, and so does acknowledgi.. 2005. 3. 21. How to Understand Blake’s Poetry - Essay How to Understand the Contrary States of Blake’s Poetry Through A World of Intellectual Ideas B Blake’s contrary states in between “Songs of Innocence” and “Songs of Experience” inspire readers to think about central theme of its implications. The tones are dramatically changed with paradox conveying powerful messages. As the mainstream of English Romantic Poetries.. 2005. 3. 10. ODE: Intimations of Immortality... - William Wordswort ODE: INTIMATIONS OF IMMORTALITY FROM RECOLLECTIONS OF EARLY CHILDHOOD William Wordsworth I THERE was a time when meadow, grove, and stream, The earth, and every common sight, To me did seem Apparelled in celestial light, The glory and the freshness of a dream. It is not now as it hath been of yore;-- Turn wheresoe'er I may, By night or day, The things which I have seen I now can see no more. II.. 2005. 2. 19. 이전 1 2 다음