friends164 Rhee Family Reunion 2007 Oct 28 to Nov 5 2007. 11. 20. Punk First, Drunk Second... Wasted The Last Punk First, Drunk Second... Wasted The Last Hillsboro OR The Rhees Grand Tour 2007. 11. 18. ECHO 2007 in Torrance 2007. 11. 7. Pink Dolphin This extremely rare and beautiful 'pink dolphin' was spotted and photographed by Capt. Erik Rue of Calcasieu Charter Service on June 24th, 2007, during a charter fishing trip on Calcasieu Lake south of Lake Charles, LA. It is small in comparison to the others it is traveling with and appears to be a youngster traveling with mama. After spotting the beautiful mammal cruising with a pod of four o.. 2007. 10. 27. A Bear Story This is old news, but the pics tell the Great story. A bear was walking across Rainbow Bridge (Old Hwy 40 at Donner Summit, Truckee, CA) on Sept 15, 2007 when two cars also crossing the bridge scared the bear into jumping over the edge of the bridge. Somehow the bear caught the ledge and was able to pull itself to safety. Authorities decided that nothing could be done to help Saturday night so .. 2007. 10. 27. The Getty Villa in Malibu & El Co Friends... These are pictures taken yesterday at the Getty Villa in Malibu. We spent a pleasant day there with a group of Watercolor & Printmaking people from El Camino College. The group meets monthly on the 3rd Friday of the month at various parks and other locations of scenic and cultural interest. Anyone who wishes to have their name added to the email list for this group should tell Anne or leave com.. 2007. 10. 8. Hubble Telescope's Top Ten Photos A fantastic eye opener regarding our universe. This is science at its best. These are the top rated photos taken by the space telescope, Hubble. While the distances and sizes are incomprehensible to the average person, maybe you can come to grips with them --- and how vast the Universe must be! Can our minds expand enough to comprehend it? Hubble telescope's top ten greatest space photographs T.. 2007. 9. 16. JPT 5기 건강법으로 삶을 리모델링하다 JPT 5기 건강법으로 삶을 리모델링하다 이병욱 박사의 암을 이기는 마음가짐 처방전 1. 암은 ´나을 수 있다는 확신이 가장 큰 치료제이고, ´마음 다스리기´가 보조제다. 인간의 몸은 세포, 신경, 근육으로만 된 것이 아니라 육체와 정신과 사회적 환경의 집약체다. 병은 그 중 .. 2007. 9. 14. Community Partnership for Youth, CPY “Never forget that a small group of thoughtful committed citizens can change the world. Indeed it is the only thing that ever has” Margaret Mead 15 YEARS... GOING STRONG... CHANGING LIVES Community Partnership for Youth (CPY) is creating “a community one child at a time.” CPY was created in 1991 after the tragic death of an outstanding high school athlete during an alleged drug deal. Be.. 2007. 9. 13. [스크랩] 김흥규 외교안보연구원 교수 - 중국 군비증강 어떻게 볼까 8월 1일은 중국 인민해방군(중국군) 건군 80주년 기념일이다. 그간 중국군은 국공내전, 한국전쟁, 중·소분쟁 및 중·베트남전쟁 등에 참전했고 문화대혁명과 천안문 사태 등 주요 정치 문제에도 깊이 개입해 매우 공세적이고 위협적이라는 이미지를 심었다. 하지만 중국군이 실제 경험한 것은 깊은 .. 2007. 8. 15. Perspectives Antares is the 15th brightest star in the sky. It is more than 1000 light years away. When multiple Hollywood types were asked 'What is the purpose of life?" many gave the usual answers, to do good etc. Garrison Keeler (Prairie Home companion) said the purpose of life is to Glorify God. So it is with this amazing comparison of bodies in the universe. Our significance comes not from our size but.. 2007. 6. 8. Self-Appraisal Self-Appraisal April 19, 2007 “Well trained in all positions of Patient Business Services (PBS) at Community Hospital of the Monterey Peninsula (CHOMP).” This statement is my “Goals For Next Year” in 90 days Job Performance Review on July 14, 2006. Since I took Medical Terminology at MPC in Spring 2006, I have been excited to utilize my knowledge when I am registering patients at the ho.. 2007. 4. 21. 이전 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ··· 14 다음