분류 전체보기2655 '황금보다 귀한 보물, 사발' 이화여자대학교박물관기획 '황금보다 귀한 보물, 사발' (三國時代 토기) 2005년 4월 1일(금) ▶ 6월 26일(일) 영암도기문화센터 (www.gurim.org) 523-853 전라남도 영암군 군서면 서구림리 354 tel.061-470-2566 fax.061-470-2766 (高麗 靑瓷사발) □ 개 막 식 : 2005년 4월 1일(금) 오후 2시 개막행사|죽사발잔치 □ 전시기간 .. 2005. 3. 27. Analysis of Abbey’s thesis in “Desert Solitaire" - Essay Analysis of Abbey’s Thesis in Desert Solitaire &#8211; A Season in the Wilderness To analyze Abbey’s thesis in Desert Solitaire, “Cowboys and Indians: Part II” directs my attention to his idea. In fact, Abbey physically stated his thesis in this chapter, “There is no mystery; there is only paradox, the incontrovertible union of contradictory truths” (124). Abbey illustrates his .. 2005. 3. 26. Desert Solitaire - Edward Abbey Edward Abbey He was a hero to environmentalists and the patron saint of monkeywrenchers, a man in love with desert solitude. A supposed misogynist, ornery and contentious, he nevertheless counted women among his closest friends and admirers. He attracted a cult following, but he was often uncomfortable with it. He was a writer who wandered far from Home without really starting.. 2005. 3. 21. Desert Solitaire - Questions/Analysis 16 March 2005 EDWARD ABBEY DESERT SOLITAIRE &#8211; A Season in the Wilderness Discussion Points 1. What is the tone of the narrative? (See “tone” in LB 32, 116, and 127) The tone combines rational appeals to reader’s capacities for logical reasoning with emotional appeals to readers’ beliefs and feelings. Ultimately, these tones contribute to ethical appeal, and so does acknowledgi.. 2005. 3. 21. Nature Fights Back, RACHEL CARSON 14 March 2005 RACHEL CARSON Nature Fights Back Questions for Critical Reading: 1. Carson’s argument appeals on its Logos, Pathos, and Ethos Logos: The greatest damage done to the environment by well-intentioned people who were unaware of the devastation they caused. The insect populations affected by sprays reveal that there is on clear way to use chemical insecticides without upsetting the bala.. 2005. 3. 16. 고통과 치유의 공간- Deep Place Alone 고통과 치유의 공간- Deep Place Alone 오수연 <거기엔 또다시 흘러가는 1년이란 시간이 있을 뿐이다> 혼합재료 2005 2005년 3월 11일 ▶ 3월 20일 (11:00 am~ 7:00pm) 문화일보 갤러리 ※ 전시 기간중 휴무 없음 (지하철 5호선 서대문역 5번 출구) 참여작가:노석미, 배윤주, 박성희, 박혜수, 박은선, 조수연, 오수연,.. 2005. 3. 14. In Memoriam - Alfred Lord Tennyson In Memoriam LIV. Oh yet we trust that somehow good Will be the final goal of ill, To pangs of nature, sins of will, Defects of doubt, and taints of blood; That nothing walks with aimless feet; That not one life shall be destroyed, Or cast as rubbish to the void, When God hath made the pile complete; That not a worm is cloven in vain; That not a moth with vain desire Is shriveled in a fruitless .. 2005. 3. 14. How to Understand Blake’s Poetry - Essay How to Understand the Contrary States of Blake’s Poetry Through A World of Intellectual Ideas B Blake’s contrary states in between “Songs of Innocence” and “Songs of Experience” inspire readers to think about central theme of its implications. The tones are dramatically changed with paradox conveying powerful messages. As the mainstream of English Romantic Poetries.. 2005. 3. 10. 한글사랑 - 어원이야기 - 고뿔 ◇ 고뿔 지금은 감기라고 하지만, 옛날에는 모두 `고뿔`이라고 했습니다. 이 `고뿔`은 마치 `코`에 `뿔`이 난 것처럼 생각하실지 모르지만, 실제로 이것은 `코`에 `불`이 난 것입니다. 즉 `코`에 열이 난다는 뜻이지요. 이전엔 `곳블`이었습니다. 즉 `코`를 뜻하던 옛날말인 `고`에 `불`(되었던 것인데, 원순.. 2005. 3. 8. Campaign against Climate Change Saturday, February 12th Photo copyright Andrew Or Photo copyright Andrew Or The Kyoto Climate March was in the news well before it started, billed as part of a wave of international demonstrations around the world (see www.kyotofortheworld.net ) - something which we had been working to create. So we had already succeeded in our goal of amplifying the significance of the coming into force of the.. 2005. 3. 5. Global Warming © 2005 Lawrence Moore Tiempo Climate Newswatch http://www.tiempocyberclimate.org/newswatch/ For Immediate Release Office of the Press Secretary March 13, 2001 Text of a Letter from the President to Senators Hagel, Helms, Craig, and Roberts Thank you for your letter of March 6, 2001, asking for the Administration's views on global climate change, in particular the Kyoto Protocol and efforts.. 2005. 3. 5. Introduction to Global Warming Introduction to Global Warming Global Warming is perhaps the most significant environmental problem facing the world today. Greenhouse gas levels are increasing in the atmosphere because of human activities, and are changing the composition of the atmosphere and warming the earth. Climate scientists agree that human activities such as the burning of fossil fuels contribute to the problem. Scien.. 2005. 3. 5. 이전 1 ··· 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 ··· 222 다음