분류 전체보기2655 그때 그사람들 The President's Last Bang (2005) Seoul Exhumes the Past, And Conservatives Cry Foul By GORDON FAIRCLOUGH Staff Reporter of THE WALL STREET JOURNAL February 3, 2005; Page A15 SEOUL, South Korea -- A film that portrays Park Chung Hee, the dictator who ruled South Korea for nearly two decades until his 1979 assassination, as a philandering tyrant with ties to Japan is part of an unprecedented spasm of historical revisionism roili.. 2005. 2. 5. Plato, The Allegory of the Cave Plato, The Allegory of the Cave [Socrates] And now, I said, let me show in a figure how far our nature is enlightened or unenlightened: --Behold! human beings living in a underground cave, which has a mouth open towards the light and reaching all along the cave; here they have been from their childhood, and have their legs and necks chained so that they cannot move, and can only see before them.. 2005. 2. 4. PLATO: The Allegory of the Cave -Questions/Analysis 02 Feb. 2005 PLATO: The Allegory of the Cave Questions for Critical Reading 2. How does the allegory of the prisoners in the cave watching shadows on a wall relate to us today? What shadows do we see, and how do they distort our sense of what is real. One can say that we are like prisoners in this world watching realties on television, newspapers or other types of medium that shape our feelings.. 2005. 2. 4. Tsunami Relief Update Learn More: Tsunami Relief Plan Latest from the Field Interactive Tsunami Relief Map Other charities supporting relief operations: www.usafreedomcorps.gov Corporate and Philanthropic Sponsors Dear everyone, A little more than a month ago, a tidal wave created by the largest earthquake in four decades roared through communities along the coast of the Indian Ocean killing hundreds of thousands of.. 2005. 2. 2. '다음칼럼니스트연합' 회원님들께... 안녕하세요^^ bluespirit 의 bluespirit 입니다 먼저... 그동안 cafe 에 dedicate 하지 못한 것 죄송하다는 말씀 드리고 싶군요... 죄송... >.< 워낙 멋진 글을 쓰시는 분들이 많아... 감히... 글쓰는 일에 도전은 못하구... 첨 가입하시는 분들... 꼬리글에... welcome comments 만 조금 하다가... 그것두 제대로 못하구... .. 2005. 2. 1. Martin Luther King Jr. Martin Luther King Jr. The Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. acknowledges the crowd at the Lincoln Memorial for his "I Have a Dream" speech during a march on Washington, D.C., on Aug. 28, 1963. About 250,000 people attended the march to urge support for impending civil-rights legislation. Encouragement: I Have a Dream The famous speech delivered in 1963 to more than 200,000 civil-rights marchers at t.. 2005. 1. 30. 十面埋伏 House Of Flying Daggers 연인 Lovers (2004) 十面埋伏 House Of Flying Daggers 연인 Lovers (2004) 제작노트 製作旅程 제작여정 - 2년에 걸친 제작 기간. 훌륭한 한편의 작품을 만드는 것이 얼마나 힘든가를 보여주기라도 하듯 온갖 악재가 <연인>의 탄생을 위협했다. 결코 적지 않은 어려움 속에서도 결국 우리 앞에 <연인>은 당당하게 설 수 있었다.. 2005. 1. 26. James Turrell James Turrell photo: Florian Holzherr Danaë, 1983 500 Sampsonia, Second Floor When the viewer enters Danaë, the glowing purple rectangle at the far end of the room appears to be a solid form. Danaë is part of a series called Space Division Constructions, and along with Pleiades, is the first permanent installation collected by the Mattress Factory. Danaë is the first time I put light on.. 2005. 1. 23. until... 2005. 1. 18. ready...?...@.@... 1315's Improvisation C Yiruma 1315's Improvisation C Yiruma 2005. 1. 18. under construction... 2005. 1. 18. 친구 朋友 Friend (2001) At a time when students had to fasten their collars and crease their slacks till they're razor sharp, these four friends strutted around in their own custom-fashioned uniforms. They walked the streets with their heads held high, shoulders straight, and chests out, fearing nothing when they were together. Joon-suk, a son of a vigilant gang boss; Dong-su, the only son of an undertaker; Sang-taek,.. 2005. 1. 18. 이전 1 ··· 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 ··· 222 다음