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The Yin of Inner Leadership - 出 會 de-ai The Yin of Inner Leadership 陰 yin literally, "the female principle" 3. Timing 出 會 de-ai literally, "to flow together"; timing, interval, the way life's energies flow in cycles or patterns Tao leaders live close to nature. Their actions flow from the heart. In words, they are true; In decisions, just; In business, effective; In action, aware of the timing. (Tao, 8) Prevention: The Wisdom o.. 2007. 1. 29.
The Yin of Inner Leadership - 結 び musubi The Yin of Inner Leadership 陰 yin literally, "the female principle" 2. Centering, Presence, and Process 結 び musubi literally, "to bind" or "to connect"; "the connection that binds us together" the energy flow that binds us—and all of life—together Analyzing others is knowledge. Knowing yourself is wisdom. Managing others requires skill. Mastering yourself takes inner s.. 2007. 1. 24.
The Yin of Inner Leadership - 殘 心 Zanshin The Yin of Inner Leadership 陰 yin literally, "the female principle" 1. Zanshin 殘 心 zanshin literally, "the spirit stays or lingers" The term means connection, the ability to extend our energies outward to create new harmonies. The Tao is an empty vessel, Infinitely useful, The source of then thousand things. It blunts all sharpness, Unties all knots, Softens the light, And blends with the.. 2007. 1. 17.
The Tao of Personal Leadership The Tao of Personal Leadership 道 tao or do literally, "the way," "the path," or "the principle" This character is made up of the symbol for "leader," based upon the ancient Chines ideogram for the human head, together with the symbol for "to walk." The root meaning of this famous character is clearly mindfulness in action, and enduring ideal for today's leaders. Introduction 始 haji literall.. 2007. 1. 10.
[스크랩] [와이즈 도덕경] 道德經 꼬리글 모음... 1. 도가도비상도 (道可道非常道) ... 도라고 하는것은 언제나 도가 아니네... 道 는... 首 머리가... 心 가슴 안에 있으니까... 마음으로 머리속의 생각을... 꼬옥 안아서... 위로... 길을 열어주는 것... 道 는 ... 머리를 품은... 마음의 길... 2. 천하개지미 (天下皆知美) ... 내세우지 않으므로 떨어질 일도 없다.. 2006. 8. 4.
[스크랩] 道德經 道德經 가. 道를 말한 경전 (1~37장) 01.道可道非常道, 名可名非常名. 無名天地之始, 有名萬物之母. 故常無欲以觀其妙, 常有欲以觀其徼. 此兩者同出, 而異名, 同謂之玄. 玄之又玄, 衆妙之門. 02.天下皆知美之爲美斯惡已皆知善之爲善斯不善已故有無相生難易相成長短相較 高下相傾音聲相和前後相隨是.. 2006. 8. 4.
제 3 인간형 - 안수길 안수길 安壽吉 (1911∼1977) 소설가. 함흥 출생. 호는 남석(南石). 와세다(早稻田)대학 고등사범부 영어과 수학. 1935년 단편 <적십자 병원장>을 <조선문단>에 발표하여 등단함. 박영준과 함께 <북향(北鄕)> 동인. <간도일보>, <만선일보> 기자 역임. 그는 민족적 리얼리즘의 작자로 객관.. 2006. 8. 2.
어떻게 공부할 것인가... <왜 사는가 2>... 무량스님 수행기 어떻게 공부할 것인가... 해와 달은 마치 번갯불과 같거니 광음은 참으로 아껴야 하네. 살고 죽음은 호흡 사이에 있어 아침저녁을 보장하기 어렵네. 다니거나 섰거나 앉거나 누웠거나 한 치 세월도 허송하지 말고 용맹에 다시 용맹을 더하되 우리 본사이신 석가처럼 하라. 정진하고 다시 정진하면서 마.. 2006. 5. 27.
《發心修行章》... <왜 사는가 1> ... 무량스님 수행기 《發心修行章》 대저 모든 부처님이 적멸궁을 장엄함은 夫諸佛諸佛, 莊嚴寂滅宮, 까마득한 겁바다에 인욕 고행한 탓이요, 於多劫海, 捨欲苦行; 많고 많은 중생들이 불집 속에 넘나듦은 衆生衆生, 輪廻火宅門, 한량없는 저 세상에 탐욕 놓지 못함일세. 於無量世, 貪欲不捨. 막힘없는 저 천당에 가는 사.. 2006. 5. 15.
1001 Movies You Must See Before You Die (2003) 죽기 전에 꼭 봐야 할 영화 1001편 (2005) 1001 Movies You Must See Before You Die (2003) A Trip to the Moon (1902) The Great Train Robbery (1903) The Birth of a Nation (1915) Les Vampires (1915) Intolerance (1916) The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari (1919) Broken Blossoms (1919) Way Down East (1920) Within Our Gates (1920) The Phantom Carriage (1921) Orphans of the Storm (1921) The Smiling Mad.. 2006. 4. 22.
1001 Movies You Must See Before You Die (2003) 1001 Movies You Must See Before You Die by Steven Jay Schneider Everybody loves a good movie, and Casablanca is just one of the classics described in this, the ultimate book about movies! This volume's expert team of authors spans a full century of production, concisely de-scribing 1001 of the best films from around the world. The listings are dramatically augmented with memorable photos, both .. 2006. 4. 22.
Disparate Conservative Assessments of Bush http://www.joe-ks.com/archives_mar2005/WhiteHousePhone.htm Books of The Times | 'Rebel in Chief' and 'Impostor' Disparate Conservative Assessments of Bush Left: Fox News Channel; Right: Van Riper Photography Left: Fred Barnes; Right: Bruce Bartlett. REBEL IN CHIEF Inside the Bold and Controversial Presidency of George W. Bush By FRED BARNES 220 pages. Crown Forum. $23.95. IMPOSTOR How George W... 2006. 2. 21.