Journal14 Self-Appraisal Self-Appraisal April 19, 2007 “Well trained in all positions of Patient Business Services (PBS) at Community Hospital of the Monterey Peninsula (CHOMP).” This statement is my “Goals For Next Year” in 90 days Job Performance Review on July 14, 2006. Since I took Medical Terminology at MPC in Spring 2006, I have been excited to utilize my knowledge when I am registering patients at the ho.. 2007. 4. 21. “Where Are We Coming From?” “Waldorf Salad and Jellybean Guacamole” Group art exhibit opening reception 날… “Where Are We Coming From?” Echo Family 와… Artist Statement I often feel the strong energy from nature. As a new day starts, the energy arises from the earth; spirit comes down from heaven. When they meet somewhere in the middle, something is created by nature, I sense that as "Spirit of Human Nature... 2004. 5. 10. Honest Appraisal I came up with the question in our printmaking class critic. While you are making different artwork series, do you have a strong pillar for the content in your heart? What made you being an artist? Everyone who wants to his/her best in everyday life, but some things are always missing and feel empty… Why? I got this comments from Jose… If he/she stays in safe stage where he/she achieved alr.. 2004. 5. 2. The Meaning of Life... We had an art critic and presentation for the artworks in our print making class, today. I was the first one who starts to bring the enthusiasm for the class atmosphere in the beautiful morning. While I was giving my presentation, I came up with the content which I always think it’s really important to making vivid art works. Then, I brought up what artists can convey their thought to the aud.. 2004. 4. 24. This Is The Last Time / The Hardest Thing... Keane - This Is The Last Time The hardest thing I've ever had in my life was my father passed away abruptly when I was twenty-one years old, a senior of college. I couldn’t do anything, yet, I just awaked with sullen face for almost one year. I couldn’t accept the fact as a real. I was lost completely: I didn’t even have any interest to live any more. There were no reasons at all. About o.. 2004. 4. 4. U N H C R U N H C R Liberian teachers Li and their familie A first group of internally displaced teachers have returned to Zwedru in eastern Liberia in an attempt to resume basic services like education in areas of return. Meanwhile, the stream of spontaneous returnees continues. UNHCR faces heavy tasks in providing support to over 20 million refugees around the world such as the Balkans, Timor, Africa's.. 2004. 3. 28. Dare To Be Yourself I am in a state of internal chaos right now. I have to make an important decision on my own. Either I live up to the filial piety for my mother in Korea or I pursue my artistic career as a proud daughter of my father in the USA. This great anxiety started because of my mother. She is a diabetic with Parkinson’s disease. Her diabetes needs intensive care and support, and she has Parkinson’s .. 2004. 3. 23. Comet Hale/What do you... 2004 March 14 Comet Hale-Bopp Over Val Parola Pass Illustration Credit: A. Dimai, (Col Druscie Obs.), AAC Comet Hale-Bopp became much brighter than any surrounding stars. It was seen even over bright city lights. Out away from city lights, however, it put on quite a spectacular show. Here Comet Hale-Bopp was photographed above Val Parola Pass in the Dolomithe mountains surrounding Cortina d'Amp.. 2004. 3. 14. What do I love? Sorry, your browser doesn't support Java(tm). I love challenging that might not be attempthed by others. When I make something new, I like to analyze what I’ve created, and evaluate with someone who like to share their impression of it. I am very interested in communication, and in the exchange of ideas with friends or through group, especially showing their unique point of views. Also I enjo.. 2004. 3. 11. Who am I? Who am I? I was born of an artist (my father) and an educator (my mother). I was formed my character exactly half and half by my parents until I got married. I was reborn as a hard worker with a different first and last name when I got married to my husband. I have struggled, living with these three different characters in me. I majored in Fine Art, Oriental Painting, since I always wanted to b.. 2004. 3. 9. Calm Calm Existence When I try to go sleep, I have so many things to think of. I need to get it out from my head right away, so I get up and reach to my computer to write. But when I start to get it out, I face the problems. Things are too mixed up to start with. These are all entangled like bushes. I need to organize what to be come out from my head, first. I might have to use writing journals to f.. 2004. 3. 5. Mind Maps Mind Maps 1. How mind maps work 1. Help you: Learn Remember 2. Make Associations: Words People Pictures Colors 3. Make Relationships: Information and Pictures Information and Color 2. Structure 1. Center Subject 2. Main Idea 3. Main Point 4. Detail 5. Details about Details 3. Helpful hints 1. Be Silly! 2. Use Colors in Groups: Blue with Yellow Yellow with Orange Orange with Red Red with Purple .. 2004. 3. 3. 이전 1 2 다음