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If We Surrendered to Earth's Intelligence If We Surrendered to Earth's Intelligence How surely gravity's law, strong as an ocean current, takes hold of even the smallest thing and pulls is toward the heart of the world. Each thing— each stone, blossom, child— is held in place. Only we, in our arrogance, push out beyond what we each belong to for some empty freedom. If we surrendered to earth's intelligence we could rise up rooted, .. 2009. 8. 17.
No Left Turns - Michael Gartner My father never drove a car. Well, that's not quite right. I should say I never saw him drive a car. He quit driving in 1927, when he was 25 years old, and the last car he drove was a 1926 Whippet. 'In those days,' he told me when he was in his 90s, 'to drive a car you had to do things with your hands, and do things with your feet, and look every which way, and I decided you could walk through .. 2009. 8. 16.
Cui Bono - Thomas Carlyle Cui Bono - Thomas Carlyle What is Hope? A smiling rainbow Children follow through the wet; ’Tis not here, still yonder, yonder: Never urchin found it yet. What is Life? A thawing iceboard On a sea with sunny shore; -- Gay we sail; it melts beneath us; We are sunk, and seen no more. What is Man? A foolish baby, Vainly strives, and fights, and frets; Demanding all, deserving nothing; -- One sma.. 2009. 5. 18.
The Matisse Stories - A. S. Byatt The Matisse Stories by A. S. Byatt In this little book are collected three short stories by A. S. Byatt, each of which relates directly or indirectly to the art of Henri Matisse. These aren't, however, in the vein of recent books that dramatize the life of a painter or even of a painting. Rather, these stories are contemporary tales in which the art of Matisse takes up a supporting role. In the.. 2009. 5. 16.
The Shack - WM. Paul Young "I will take a verb over a noun anytime." "I am a verb. I am that I am. I will be who I will be. I am a verb! I am alive, dynamic, ever active, and moving. I am a geing verb." "And as my very essence is a verb." "I am more attuned to verbs than nouns." Verbs such as confessing, repenting, living, loving, responding, growing, reaping, changing, sowing, running, dancing, singing, and on and on. H.. 2009. 4. 6.
The Chronicles of Narnia - C. S. Lewis The Chronicles of Narnia The Chronicles of Narnia is a series of seven fantasy novels for children written by C. S. Lewis. It is considered a classic of children's literature and is the author's best-known work, having sold over 120 million copies in 41 languages. Written by Lewis between 1949 and 1954 and illustrated by Pauline Baynes, The Chronicles of Narnia have been adapted several times, .. 2008. 12. 25.
Love and Revolution - Poetry of Alastair McIntosh The Forge What is the point of land reform so that remote communities can be preserved as threatened cultures at a massive social cost to the nation as a whole of teachers, doctors, police and ferry services when most of those raised native from such soil are now so few and only have two kids who’ve mostly moved elsewhere to stay their burns and braes seductive now to ever-higher bidders from.. 2008. 9. 10.
바보엄마 - 최유경 깨어났을 때는 그녀가 곁에 있었다. '엄마'라는 새로운 이름의 그녀는 낯설었다. 세상에서 제일 사랑했던 언니는 더 이상 존재하지 않았다. 강간당해 나를 낳고는 미쳐버린 바보엄마만이 남아 있을 뿐이었다. 내가 알던 세상이 모두 사라지고 텅 비어버렸다. 엄 마 가 날 사 랑 한 만 큼 난.. 2008. 7. 11.
반성문 : 반성한다는 것은 상처에게 길을 묻는 것이다 - 이철환 산문집 반성한다는 것은 상처에게 길을 묻는 것이다. 상처는 눈물이 되기도 하고 길이 되기도 한다. 진실 앞에서 눈을 감을때마다 등짝을 후려치는 꽃다발이 되기도 한다. 열 장의 반성문 진달래야, 미안해 초인종 산타할아버지 사랑은 자동차보다 빠르다 반성문 봄날 봉숭아 꽃은 세 번 핀다 광.. 2008. 5. 30.
곰보빵 - 이철환 곰보빵, 너는 아니? 너의 이름 때문에 상처받은 아이가 있다는 거......, ... 사랑이란 거, 어려운 게 아냐. 예쁘다고 말해 주는 거 잘했다고 말해 주는 거 함께 가자고 손을 잡아 주는 거, 그게 사랑이야. 활짝 핀 꽃처럼 그냥 한번 웃어 주는 거 그게 바로 사랑이야. 눈에 가득 눈물이 가슴 가.. 2008. 5. 27.
보물찾기 : 인생은 소풍이다 - 이철환 언젠가 당신은 말했습니다. 사랑은 상대방의 어둠까지 안아 주는 거라고...... 사랑은 발이 없어서, 혼자서는 한 발자국도 걸어갈 수 없다고...... 책을 펴내며- 아픔도 길이 된다, 슬픔도 길이 된다 추천의 글/ 김용택, 정호승, 박민규 책을 펴내며- 아픔도 길이 된다, 슬픔도 길이 된다 1. 보.. 2008. 5. 27.
Ode to a Nightingale 나이팅게일에게 부치는 송시 - John Keats Ode to a Nightingale 1. MY heart aches, and a drowsy numbness pains My sense, as though of hemlock I had drunk, Or emptied some dull opiate to the drains One minute past, and Lethe-wards had sunk: ’Tis not through envy of thy happy lot, 5 But being too happy in thine happiness,— That thou, light-winged Dryad of the trees, In some melodious plot Of beechen green, and shadows numberless, Sing.. 2008. 3. 22.