Life/e—mid—monolog96 Atacama I Surrealistic Licancabur Alpacas, Parinacota Thermas de Polloquere, Salar de Surire Laguna Miscanti A field of large bolders, - how did they get here? 2006. 6. 8. The more you know her, the more you ADMIRE HER. 2006. 5. 9. The young mother set her foot on the path of life. "Is this the long way?" she asked. And the guide said "Yes, and the way is hard. And you will be old before you reach the end of it. But the end will be better than the beginning." But the young mother was happy, and she would not believe that anything could be better than these years. So she played with her children, and gathered flowers for them along the way, and bathed them in the clear str.. 2006. 5. 8. 바람에 띄우는 편지 바람에 띄우는 편지 피어오르는 들국화 꽃망울 하나하나가 너무 앙증맞게 예뻐 손으로 만져보려다 손을 놓고 가만히 바라봅니다. 하루가 다르게 서늘해지는 밤바람을 견디고 참으로 의연하게 피어 있습니다. 이 들국화를 당신과 함께 바라볼 수 있다면 하고 생각했습니다. 들국화 짙은 향기를 맡다가.. 2006. 3. 23. 나는 다시 강으로 가고 싶다. 나는 다시 강으로 가고 싶다. 오늘은 하루 종일 가슴 저 밑에서 출렁이는 강물 소리를 들었다. 내 가슴을 흔들고 내 몸을 흔들다가 강가 모래톱 어딘가에 나를 부려놓고 흘러가는 강물 소리. 온종일 젖어 있다가, 온종일 설레게 하다가 저녁 무렵이 되어서야 잔잔해진 강물 소리. 얼굴을 한쪽으로 젖힌 .. 2006. 3. 20. Love and Friendship Love and Friendship Love is like the wild rose-briar, Friendship like the holly-tree— The holly is dark when the rose-briar blooms But which will bloom most constantly? The wild-rose briar is sweet in the spring, Its summer blossoms scent the air; Yet wait till winter comes again And who will call the wild-briar fair? Then scorn the silly rose-wreath now And deck thee with the holly's.. 2006. 1. 30. mama... on 100th day... as dazzling brilliant clear light emanating from her... Mother... who's nobly born... as dazzling brilliant clear light emanating from her... unified into origin attaining eternal liberty... I miss you... mama... 2006. 1. 17. blue sky & blue sea... with blue spirit... Mother... who's nobly born... as dazzling brilliant clear light... emanating from her... unified into origin... attaining eternal liberty... I love you... mom... 2005. 12. 31. 49th day... 2005. 11. 28. THE SEVENTH GREAT PRAYERS - 'GOD USE ME TO DO YOUR GOOD WORKS' The 7 Great Prayers For an Abundant & Blessed Life "GOD USE ME TO DO YOUR GOOD WORKS” Dear Friend in Prayer, Before I get to the 7th Great Prayer, I want to first say I've really enjoyed our time together, THANK YOU for this opportunity! As I've share these prayers with you and my other new friends, I've continued to grow on my personal spiritual journey and I hope you have too. I pray th.. 2005. 11. 28. THE SIXTH GREAT PRAYER - 'GOD BLESS AND I LOVE' The Sixth Great Prayer For an Abundant & Blessed Life "GOD BLESS AND I LOVE (fill in the blank with person's name)” Dear Friend in Prayer, By now you should have developed the daily routine where you pray the first 5 Great Prayers everyday; all day long. With Prayer Four you learned how to pray to ATTRACT God’s Blessings into your life. When you pray the Third Great Prayer it helps you .. 2005. 11. 27. THE FIFTH GREAT PRAYER - 'GOD I SEE YOU EVERYWHERE' The Fifth Great Prayer For an Abundant & Blessed Life "GOD I SEE YOU EVERYWHERE” Dear Friend in Prayer, Welcome back to The 7 Great Prayers. I sincerely hope and pray that you are receiving more blessings from God since you started praying. If you haven’t gotten the blessings you've been praying for, don’t worry; maybe your turn just hasn’t come yet; or… God has different blessing.. 2005. 11. 26. 이전 1 2 3 4 5 6 ··· 8 다음