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등대지기 - 조창인 "오래전부터 묻고 싶은 게 있었어요. 등대지기는 울지 않은다... 정말 가능한 일아리고 생각하세요?" "물끄러미 등탑을 바라보다 까닭 없이 세 번쯤 통곡을 하고 나서야 진짜 등대지기가 되는 거야." 조창인チョ チャンイン,趙彰仁1961년 서울에서 태어나 중앙대학교와 동 대학원을 졸업하.. 2007. 6. 5.
Hurt Go Happy 네가 있어 행복했어 - Ginny Rorby 홍한별 Hurt Go Happy 네가 있어 행복했어 - Ginny Rorby 홍한별 “Hurt Go, Happy” is American Sign Language for “the pain has ended.” Thirteen-year-old Joey Willis is used to being left out of conversations. Though she’s been deaf since the age of six, her mother forbids her to use sign language, insisting instead that she work harder to read lips. While mushroom-hun.. 2007. 6. 5.
사랑합니다 내게 하나뿐인 당신 사랑합니다 어머니! 아버지! 미치도록 사무치고 그리운 당신... 내게 하나뿐인 당신 ___가로수, 1978 나를 더욱 강하게 만드는 아버지의 아프고 슬픈 음화 같은 기억 나의 내 아버지에 대한 기억은 모든 것이 통회이고 깨달음으로 가는 고갯길이다. 아, 아버지 우리 아버지 한승원 서문 딸의 .. 2007. 4. 30.
오두막 편지 - 법정 새벽에 비 내리는 소리를 듣고 잠에서 깨어났다. 머리맡에 소근소근 다가서는 저 부드러운 발자국 소리. 개울물 소리에 실려 조용히 내리는 빗소리에 귀를 기울이고 있으면 살아 있는 우주의 맥박을 느낄 수 있다. 새벽에 내리는 빗소리에서 나는 우주의 호흡이 내 자신의 숨결과 서로 이.. 2007. 4. 25.
홀로 사는 즐거움 - 법정 심신 山골에는 山울림 영감이 바위에 앉아 나같이 이나 잡고 홀로 살더라 深山 청마 선생 꽃이 지나간 자리에 초록이 눈부시다. 온천지가 살아 있다는 소식으로 생명의 물감을 마음껏 풀어내고 있다. 오두막 이슥한 밤 홀로 앉아 있으니 고요하고 적적해 본래의 자연 무슨 일로 서녘 바람.. 2007. 4. 21.
Self-Appraisal Self-Appraisal April 19, 2007 “Well trained in all positions of Patient Business Services (PBS) at Community Hospital of the Monterey Peninsula (CHOMP).” This statement is my “Goals For Next Year” in 90 days Job Performance Review on July 14, 2006. Since I took Medical Terminology at MPC in Spring 2006, I have been excited to utilize my knowledge when I am registering patients at the ho.. 2007. 4. 21.
Journey Journey Here we sit, waiting for time always in line. There is no end, only the journey. Where we stand, we’re never sure, so insecure. And in the end, only the journey. There we go; working, trying, hoping, sighing. But in the end, only the journey. How we walk; all four, two, three, and some on knee. Yet in the end, only the journey. Who we meet alters the way we see each day. But in the en.. 2007. 4. 8.
What is Faith? What is Faith? Many churchgoers these days seem to misunderstand the word "faith." As a result, even though people claim to believe, it's clear that they are plagued by doubts and inconsistencies. The moment a person comes into possession of true faith, all these problems come to an end. There's a close connection between faith and rest. As soon as a person finds faith, his spirit finds perfect.. 2007. 4. 2.
RN running to save lives!!! RN running to save lives!!! Welcome to my Team In Training home page. I am training hard to participate in an endurance event -- the San Diego 26.2 mile Rock-n-Roll Marathon, as a member of The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society's Team In Training. All of us on Team In Training are raising funds to help stop leukemia, lymphoma, Hodgkin lymphoma and myeloma from taking more lives. I'm completing this e.. 2007. 3. 25.
The Dead - Billy Collins Animated Poetry The Dead - Billy Collins Animated Poetry Forgetfulness - Billy Collins Animated Poetry The Best Cigarette - Billy Collins Animated Poetry Some Days - Billy Collins Animated Poetry Walking Across the Atlantic - Billy Collins Animated Poetry Best American Poetry 2006: Billy Collins' Introduction http://www.youtube.com 2007. 3. 18.
Who We Are... One Of Strong Impact On My Life Who We Are More than a quarter century of international humanitarian action... Recognized worldwide as a leader in the fight against hunger, Action Against Hunger delivers programs in more than 40 countries specializing in emergency situations of war, conflict, and natural disasters and longer-term assistance to people in distress. Our ultimate goal is to help vulnerable populations regain thei.. 2007. 2. 27.
What is LOVE ? Mon, Feb 05, 2007 | 12:00 AM EST Love is having a family so far away and knowing they love you back. My son Andy (in TX), daughter Misti (in FL), and other son Chip (in NH) all say LOVE is my home made chicken nuggets, (NICE!) Posted by : YOUNGSWIMMER30 Sun, Feb 04, 2007 | 05:40 PM EST i think that love is a four letter word that means like, only, verry exciting,(people) Poste.. 2007. 2. 6.